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Third person appears in court charged with CoP threat

2642693A third person has appeared in court charged with threatening the life of Police Commissioner Gary Griffith.


33-year-old an El So­cor­ro, San Juan resident, Kenyon Lewis was yesterday sent to the St Ann’s Hos­pi­tal for a psy­chi­atric eval­u­a­tion.


Mr. Lewis went before be­fore Port-of-Spain Mag­is­trate Sa­nara Toon-Mc ­Quilkin charged with mis­use of a tele­phone.


Magistrate Toon-Mc Quilkin re­mand­ed Mr. Lewis into custody at the St. Ann’s Hospital.


It is reported that at around 3.30 am last Friday, an E999 op­er­a­tor at the Com­mand Cen­tre re­ceived a call from a man who threat­ened the com­mis­sion­er’s life.


Following an in­ves­ti­ga­tion Mr. Lewis was ar­rest­ed in a bar in El So­cor­ro lat­er in the day.

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