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“Operation Strike Back” nets 138 people

qDQYZvrExwThe ongoing Operation Strike Back nets 138 people.


During the two days of what is being called “in­tense” polic­ing, officers searched about 22 drug blocks over the weekend.


Police say 8 guns, as well as a va­ri­ety of am­mu­ni­tion, were seized.


They say 13 pro­hib­it­ed im­mi­grants were al­so de­tained and quan­ti­ties of drugs were seized.


A statement from the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service says two stolen ve­hi­cles were also found.


It was the first such exercise for the new year but it was a continuation of Operation Strike Back.


Police Commissioner, Gary Griffith spearheaded the operation, which took place in all 9 polic­ing di­vi­sions across the coun­try.


Commissioner Griffith says the exercise was necessary.


The Commissioner was speaking with some members of the media, at the end of the exercise at the St. James Barracks yesterday morning.


He said more than one thousand police officers made up the exercise.


Com­mis­sion­er Griffith also noted that the murder toll, which had usu­al­ly been high in re­cent years dur­ing January, was marked­ly low­er so far.

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