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Mickela Panday to lead a campaign to inform citizens on property tax

Unknown-14Mickela Panday is leading a campaign to tell citizens about the coming property tax.


Ms. Panday accompanied by attorney Vashist Maharaj, launched the campaign yesterday.


She said her group would be going to far-flung areas of the country to listen to the concerns of the people regarding the property tax.


She warned people against following the instructions of the Opposition to tear up the evaluation forms.


Ms. Panday also suggested that the law be amended in order to make the government more accountable as to how the money from the tax is to be spent.


She said while it was a fact that property tax is the law it is disturbing that there was no word from government as to where the money would go when paid.


Attorney Mr. Maharaj said the money would most likely go into the Consolidated Fund but there was no word from government on how it would be used.

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