Attorney General Faris Al-Rawi says Watson Duke’s offer of a resignation to the Public Services Association does not purge him or Chief Secretary Farley Augustine and their camp of the difficulties they are in.
Mr. duke has offered his resignation for acceptance by the Conference of Delegates to be effective from December 31st, 2021.
The Conference of Delegates holds a special conference scheduled for December 21st to discuss Mr. Duke’s offer of his resignation.
But the Attorney General says an offer to resign is not a resignation and does not provide a cure to the dilemma.
He says he has written to the Chief Secretary pointing out the difficulties that Mr. Duke has presented to him, the country and the THA.
Mr. Augustine has given Mr. Duke a 3-month grace period to resign from his PSA position.
Mr. Al Rawi says the law does not provide for a grace period.
He says he is yet to receive a response from Mr. Augustine on the letters he sent to him outlining the issue.
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