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Special Select Committee of Parliament seek to address concerns about Sexual Offences Amendment Bill

e5a5ecefd2f760c1bb2b34f7989dacddA Special Select Committee of the Parliament will seek to address concerns about the Sexual Offences Amendment Bill.


The move by the government came after hours of debate in the Upper House yesterday.


Making public the proposed Sex Offenders Registry has been a major bone of contention among Senators.


Government Senator Paula Gopee-Scoon said such a registry would protect society and innocent children.


She said the safety of children is priority and the Internet is the fastest way to find information.


The Senator said if she conducted a study among members of the House, it would show everyone wanting to shelter their families and relatives. 


Meanwhile Opposition Senator Saddam Hosein said both the victim and the perpetrator need protection.


He also suggested an amendment to the section which states how and if a person’s name should be added or removed from the registry.


But Independent Senator Paul Richards said offenders should be assessed frequently to ensure they are not a danger to society even after imprisonment.


He said jail time is not a sufficient debt to society and there must be justice for victims.


The committee is to report on its work by the end of March.

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