Republic Bank Limited has confirmed bandits have taken less than 200,000 dollars from its Ariapita Avenue Port of Spain branch.
The incident is believed to have occurred over the Independence long weekend.
According to reports when security officers got to work yesterday morning they found that a wall near the vault had been busted.
It is believed the thieves were not able to access the bank’s main vault but they got into a cash bin which contained money.
Police say the thieves got 127,000TTD, 5,000 USD, and 500 canadian dollars.
205 pounds and 427 euros were also taken.
In a statement yesterday, Republic Bank Limited said yesterday overnight teller tills were tampered with and a value of less than $200,000 was stolen.”
The bank said it is providing video footage and other electronic security evidence to assist the police in their investigations.
ASP Anderson Pariman and Inspector Lopez of the Port of Spain CID are leading investigations into the incident.
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