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Police detain 3 men following robbery at Southpark

Unknown-9Police following a robbery in Southpark has detained three men.


It is believed the men staged a rob­bery at Is­land Beers Chill and Grill located at South­park in San Fer­nan­do on Tuesday evening.


The of­fi­cers are said to have blocked off the area and arrested the men as they tried to flee the scene of the crime.


One of the men was found hid­ing at a nearby KFC outlet.


The stolen cash of about six thousand dollars was also recovered.


In­ves­ti­ga­tors say the robbery occurred at around 1:25 pm.


The gun-toting bandits en­tered Is­land Beers Chill and Grill and forced pa­trons to lie on the ground while they robbed them of cash.


A tip-off was sent to the po­lice who re­spond­ed imme­di­ate­ly.


About 15 of­fi­cers from the Emer­gency Re­sponse Pa­trol as well as Task Force and CID per­son­nel went to the scene.


Realising they were sur­round­ed by police the bandits tried to get away.


The po­lice pur­sued the vehicle and appre­hend­ed the men at Thorn Hill Road, in Co­coyea.


All three men are said to be in their 20’s.


They were tak­en to the San Fer­nan­do Po­lice Sta­tion where they were in­ter­ro­gat­ed.


They will be placed on ID pa­rades this week.

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