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Kidnappers demand $2.4 million worth of cocaine for Venezuelan couple

iStock-623537200-hostagee-kidnapp-terrorismm-handd-captiveeKidnappers are asking for 2.4 million dollars worth of cocaine for the release of a Venezuelan couple.


Mi­grants, 23-year-old Juan Ruiz Es­pinoza, and his 20-year-old girl­friend Bet­z­a­bett ­Goitte disappeared last Saturday.


In­ves­ti­ga­tors spent Sunday and yes­ter­day ques­tion­ing rel­a­tives and neigh­bours about the in­ci­dent.


It is reported the relatives feel the cou­ple’s dis­ap­pear­ance last Saturday afternoon is connected to a gang mem­ber in­volved in the drug trade be­tween Trinidad and Tobago and South America.


The cou­ple was last seen on Saturday in Palmyra Village, San Fernando.


A re­port made to the po­lice stat­ed that when they left their apart­ment, they in­formed the land­lord that they were go­ing to down­town San Fernando.


How­ev­er, at around 2.30 pm, Mr. Es­pinoza con­tact­ed the land­lord, saying that he was at one of the KFC out­lets in San Fer­nan­do and would meet him at King’s Wharf.


The land­lord told po­lice he wait­ed un­til 12.30am but no one came to meet him.


He re­port­ed fur­ther that he later got a call from an­oth­er Venezuelan migrant who claimed to have re­ceived two phone calls.


One of the callers spoke in English and the sec­ond caller spoke Spanish.


Both callers in­di­cat­ed that the land­lord should con­tact the fam­i­lies of the couple and tell them their release they should get 6 kilograms of co­caine.

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