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Jamaica government to ramp up efforts to protect famous Blue Mountain Coffee brand on the world market

EP-312319969.jpg&maxh=332&maxw=504Government of Jamaica will be ramping up efforts, to protect Jamaica’s brand of coffee on the world market, as well as to improve the quality of the source plant.


On Friday, Jampro signed an MOU with the Jamaica Coffee Exporters Association, in support of the development of an export marketing strategy for Jamaica’s coffee industry.


The agreement was signed during the launch of Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee Day, which will be celebrated in Japan and Jamaica, on January 9th .


As the largest importer of Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee, Japan has legislated that January 9th be celebrated as Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee Day in that country.


The Ministry of Agriculture, Jampro, and Jamaica Agricultural Commodities Regulatory Authority, have endorsed the initiative.


Speaking on behalf of the Agriculture Minister at yesterday’s event, Daryl Vaz revealed that a development plan for the coffee industry has been submitted.


He added that coffee variety trails have already been conducted.

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