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Jack Warner ordered to pay US $79 million stemming from FIFA bribery scandal

Former FIFA Vice-President, Jack Warner

Former FIFA Vice-President, Jack Warner

For­mer FI­FA Vice-Pres­i­dent Jack Warn­er has been or­dered to pay a 79 mil­lion U.S. dollar penal­ty stem­ming from the FI­FA bribery scan­dal.


The As­so­ci­at­ed Press yesterday reported that a Fed­er­al Judge in New York City im­posed the judg­ment against Mr. Warner on Tuesday.


It came out of a law­suit brought by the Con­fed­er­a­tion of North, Cen­tral Amer­i­can and Caribbean As­so­ci­a­tion Foot­ball (CON­CA­CAF).


The 2017 suit ac­cused Mr. Warn­er of em­bez­zling mil­lions of dol­lars from the soc­cer as­so­ci­a­tion.


It said he arranged kick­backs in con­nec­tion with broad­cast­ing rights for re­gion­al tour­na­ments.


The civ­il al­le­ga­tions mir­rored ones in a U.S. crim­i­nal in­ves­ti­ga­tion that has re­sult­ed in con­vic­tions of sev­er­al top soc­cer of­fi­cials.


Mr. Warn­er is still fight­ing ex­tra­di­tion in Trinidad and Tobago, where he has de­nied any wrong­do­ing.


He has not left Trinidad and Tobago since he was named in the indictment in May 2015 and re­mains on bail.


The 76-year-old is ac­cused of 12 cor­rup­tion of­fences, in­clud­ing racketeer­ing, cor­rup­tion and mon­ey laun­der­ing but de­nies wrong­do­ing.

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