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Fishermen say gasoline costs for their vessels is too much and may cause a shortage of fish

maxresdefault-1Fishermen are saying the cost of gasoline for their vessels is way too much and this could lead to a shortage of fish for the upcoming Lenten season.


Groups representing fishermen in the south yesterday told reporters outside the parliament, since government decided to dis­con­tin­ue the impor­ta­tion of reg­u­lar gas, they have had to use super, which is more expensive.


They said the additional cost is too much and they struggle to make ends meet.


The fishermen said they are unable to cover the cost of gasoline because the fish stocks are dwindling.


Councillor for Cali Bay, Calcutta, Macbean, Allan Seepersad is giving support to the affected fisherfolk.



And the President of the Couva Point Lisas Chamber Ramchand Rajbal Maraj, said the plight of the fishermen must be considered.


In par­lia­ment last week, En­er­gy Min­is­ter Franklin Khan said of­fi­cials of the En­er­gy Min­istry will meet with Agri­cul­ture Min­istry’s Fish­eries Divi­sion to dis­cuss lo­gis­ti­cal changes fish­er­men may have to adopt to ac­cess fu­el.

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