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Family of 3 appears in court for firearm and ammunition possession

court-1-4A fam­i­ly of three has ap­peared in court charged with possession of a firearm and ammunition.


39-year-old Clint Ramkissoon, his wife 23-year-old wife Taslimah Ramkissoon and his brother 37-year-old Daniel Ramkissoon went before a Sangre Grande Magistrate yesterday.


The three are from Toco Main Road Matura.


Clint Ramkissoon and his wife plead­ed not guilty and were grant­ed $50,000 and $55,000 bail with sure­ty re­spec­tive­ly.


Daniel Ramkissoon plead­ed guilty and was re­manded in­to cus­tody.


He is due to reap­pear be­fore a mag­is­trate to­day.


The Ramkissoons were ar­rest­ed after a search on their home between Friday and Saturday last week.


Dur­ing the ex­er­cise of­fi­cers of the East­ern Di­vi­sion Task Force say they dis­cov­ered one home­made shot­gun and 11 rounds of 16-gauge am­mu­ni­tion.


PC Treava­jo, of the EDTF, laid charges.


Both Clint and Taslimah Ramkissoon are due to reap­pear in court tomorrow.

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