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Commissioner Griffith not phased by recent release of 2 alleged gang leaders

xcAxurGQHn.jpgPolice Commissioner Gary Griffith says he is unphased by the release of two alleged gang leaders.


The top CoP says the development will not affect Operation Push-Back.


The men were sent home over the weekend after a writ of habeas corpus was filed on their behalf by their attorney.


They were arrested during the police “Push-Back” initiative over the last few days.


Speaking with Newscentre 5 yesterday Commissioner Griffith said he has his job to do and other people have theirs.


Four other men held during the police “Push-Back” ­exercises in Sea Lots, Beetham Gardens and Laventille were also seeking release.


Commisioner Griffith said the police remain on red alert.


He said he will continue to monitor the situation.


258 persons have been detained since the commencement of the operation.

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