The Chutney Soca Monarch competition is back on for Carnival 2018.
Yesterday founder and organizer of the competition, George Singh said the event was cancelled due to a lack of sponsorship.
Mr. Singh said the National Lotteries Control Board through the Finance Ministry pulled back on all financing for the show.
Finance Minister Colm Imbert yesterday said the figures were wrong and the competition will be getting one million dollars.
Speaking on TV6’s Morning Edition programme earlier Mr. Singh said the show is back on.
He said this new decision was made based on a statement made by the Finance Minister.
Yesterday Minister Imbert said he was confused as to where the information that the NLCB had cut funding came from.
This morning Mr. Singh said the event plays a significant role in Trinidad and Tobago’s Carnival.
Mr. Singh said he and his team are grateful for the development.
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