At least 50 per cent of Primary and Secondary school children are overweight and are at risk of becoming diabetics.
The Joint Select Committee on Social Services and Public Administration met yesterday to examine the current levels of childhood obesity and what the State was doing to promote a healthier lifestyle among children.
Chairman of the National Parent Teachers Association, Raffina Ali Boodoosingh said the largest number of cases can be found in the east.
President of Diabetes Association Andrew Dhanoo said his organisation has seen a shift of younger people being diagnosed with diabetes.
He said one indicator of pre-diabetes is the darkening of the skin behind the neck.
The organisation suggested significant changes in schools to promote healthy environment be adopted at the soonest.
Among initiatives to fight the problem, the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Health implemented in 2017 was the restriction of sugary drinks being sold in schools.
The schools also rolled out 4-H clubs to encourage physical activity among children.
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