Reports of major changes to the United National Congress in its line up for elections to come, are being dismissed as fake news by some Opposition MP’s .
According to the Sunday Express Newspaper political leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar, has been looking at her resources and preparing for the local and general elections.
The story named some sitting MPs who will be removed.
Among them Ganga Singh, Dr. Bhoe Tewarie, Ramona Ramdial, Dr. Surujrattan Rambachan, Rushton Paray, Christine Newallo-Hosein, Rodney Charles and Dr. Fuad Khan.
This morning MP for Oropouche Dr. Roodal Moonilal said the report is not true.
Dr. Moonilal also responded to not being mentioned on the list.
Yesterday MP for Couva North Ramona Randial also said the claim was not legitamate.
However speaking with Newscenter 5 yesterday MP for Barataria/San Juan Dr. Fuad Khan said even if it was true he’s undaunted by the rumors and Caroni Central MP Bhoehindradath Tewarie told Newscenter 5 he does not know if the story is factual or not but he will meet with Mrs. Persad Bissesar on the matter.
Mrs Persad Bissessar is scheduled to meet with all members of the parliamentary caucus as well as the national executive of the party today.
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