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Gunmen have succeeded this time around in their attempts to kill, Renako Pierre of Coconut Boulevard in Pleasantville.

Mister Pierre was gunned down, while in his vehicle in San Fernando.

On the corner of Fonrose and June street, yesterday afternoon.

People in the area say, they heard gunshots shortly after 2 pm.

Police were called to the scene.

They found the vehicle sprayed with bullets, and Mr. Pierre was the lone occupant.

Thirty-year-old Mr. Pierre was discovered slumped over, the steering wheel of his black Toyota Aqua.

Police say, there is evidence that the car crashed near the corner.

Crime scene investigators say, they recovered 32 spent shells in the area.

Reports are saying, there were two previous attempts to kill Mr. Pierre.

Last September gunmen attacked him as he was driving on, Lisas Boulevard in Couva.

His eight-year-old son, and his wife were in the vehicle at the time.

The wife sustained several gunshot wounds and died after the incident.

Mr. Pierre was shot in the torso, while his son was hit in the back.

In January 2022, Mr. Pierre was in his yard when he was shot several times at close range.

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