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Police arrest 11 illegal immigrants after viral video

sNAhHBBSGl.jpgPolice have arrested eleven illegal immigrants following the circulation of a video clip showing some unauthorised landings on the Los Iros Beach in Erin.


All of monday the video clip was being shared online and this led police to the area where they conducted searches.


During the early hours of yesterday morning officers found the men and women.


It is said the group consisted of Syrians, Venezuelans and Guyanese.


Police be­lieve they have made a dent in what was a thriv­ing hu­man traf­fick­ing ring.


The op­er­a­tion took place at the Los Iros Beach and was head­ed by Se­nior Supt. Adams and in­clud­ed Supt. Bas­deo.


Ac­cord­ing to a state­ment from the po­lice ser­vice a hotel was searched and sev­en male and four fe­male for­eign na­tion­als were found.


The men, rang­ing ages 31 to 55 years, in­clud­ed five Venezue­lans, one Guyanese and one Syr­i­an.


The women, ages 18 to 49, were three Venezue­lans and one Syr­i­an.


They were hand­ed over to im­mi­gra­tion of­fi­cials.


The group is be­lieved to have en­tered this coun­try il­le­gal­ly with the as­sis­tance of lo­cal fish­er­men.


The 37-year-old fe­male pro­pri­etress of the es­tab­lish­ment was al­so tak­en in­to po­lice cus­tody.


Po­lice be­lieve those ar­rest­ed are some of the same set of peo­ple seen in the video com­ing in­to the coun­try at an unau­tho­rised port of en­try and with­out the rel­e­vant im­mi­gra­tion checks.

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