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NGC denying claims of exploding CNG tank caused injury to school bus driver

image-3.1497942.2fda03dc3bThe National Gas Company is denying claims that it was an exploding CNG tank which caused injury to the driver of a school bus.


The company has released an of­fi­cial pho­to­graph showing the CNG tank re­mains in­tact in the school bus.


53-year-old Indra Changar is now at hospital nursing se­ri­ous in­juries to her body.


Ac­cord­ing to NGC, CNG’s Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Man­ag­er, Roger Sant says pre­lim­i­nary in­ves­ti­ga­tions have re­vealed that the “tank did not ex­plode”.


He says there was an in­ci­dent but the CNG stor­age tank did not ex­plode.


Mr. Sant is today reported as saying an article which quoted one of Ms. Changar’s rel­a­tives as saying the tech­ni­cian, who in­stalled the CNG tank is NGC-ap­proved was incorrect.


He says nei­ther NGC nor NGC, CNG or any­one else oth­er than the Min­istry of En­er­gy and En­er­gy Indus­tries ap­proves con­vert­ers.


The incident involving Ms. Changar occurred on Sep­tem­ber 21st, at about 5 am.


She opened the door to the bus outside her Munroe Road home when there was an explosion which pitched her against a wall.


It is said her body was on fire when she regained consciousness.


Ms. Changar had filled up the tank on the night of Sep­tem­ber 20th be­fore park­ing it in the garage area of her home.

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