The chairman of the Elections and Boundaries Commission is telling of a decision to ask returning officers to declare their political affiliations.
Chairman Mark Ramkerrysingh said, yesterday the EBC sought external legal advice from a senior counsel who provided an opinion.
At a journalism workshop Mr. Ramkerrysingh presented on the role of the EBC in elections.
In response to a question he said, a returning officer is removed if the EBC discovers, they are an activist.
He said, the EBC selects 41 returning officers.
Questioned on steps to ensure transparency of returning officers and election staff.
Mr. Ramkerrysingh said, the EBC normally does not accept returning officers who are party activists.
He noted people have a right to political affiliations.
The senior counsel is reported to have advised, that the EBC can make this request, and these would be valid questions.
He said, the disclosing of party allegiance and membership would only apply to the, 41 returning officers and not to all 16,000 people who work for elections.
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