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2 men and 2 women to stand trial for drug bust in Westmoorings

5c0ec2cebc10e.imageTwo women and two men are to stand trial for drug trafficking.


Krystiana Sankar, Yannis Pebbles Augustine, Jervon Cole and Atiba Eligon are being linked to a drug trafficking ring, busted in Westmoorings last December.


At the end of a Preliminary Inquiry yesterday Mag­is­trate Re­han­na Ho­sein announced her decision at the Port of Spain Magistrates Court.


Magistrate Ho­sein ruled that state pros­e­cu­tors pre­sent­ed a Pri­ma Fa­cie case against the four, which could possibly re­sult in their con­vic­tions af­ter an even­tu­al tri­al in the High Court.


Magistrate Hosein then asked each ac­cused in­di­vid­u­al­ly if they planned to present an al­i­bi, tes­ti­fy in their de­fence or call wit­ness­es.


All four were not ready to say, promising to do so later.


The two men and two women were ar­rest­ed as of­fi­cers of the Spe­cial Op­er­a­tions Re­sponse Team ex­e­cut­ed a search war­rant at a house in Re­gent Gar­dens, West­moor­ings, on December 4th, last year.


The of­fi­cers, led by po­lice Com­mis­sion­er Gary Grif­fith, al­leged­ly found 315 pack­ets of mar­i­jua­na, a sig­nif­i­cant­ly small­er amount of co­caine, scales, and oth­er drug traf­fick­ing ap­pa­ra­tus.


The drugs had an es­ti­mat­ed street val­ue of $3.8 mil­lion dollars in marijua­na and $400,000 in co­caine.

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