Teachers are being advised by their representing union to stay at home until the reopening of school in September.
The Trinidad and Tobago Unified Teachers Association is specifically talking to its members who are preparing Standard 5 students for the Secondary Entrance Assessment.
TTUTA President Antonia De Freitas has held discussions with the Education Ministry yesterday where concerns over face-to-face classes, given the rise in COVID-19 cases, were ventilated.
She says following the talks the Ministry was adamant that the SEA will be held on August 20th and preparation classes will continue.
Mrs. De. Freitas says holding virtual classes is an option.
Mrs. De Freitas says its better to be safe than sorry.
A total of 11 schools have so far been closed for sanitization, following possible COVID-19 exposures.
Schools from the south, east, central and north are listed closed because of the COVID threat.
The County Medical Officers in several districts have advised principals of the schools to close and some have recommended quarantine at home for 14 days.
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