Police Commissioner Earla Harewood Christopher is believed to have spent the night in the custody of her officers, while being interviewed in connection with an ongoing investigation.
Media reports are today saying, a team of investigators met with the top cop at her Port of Spain office yesterday.
Investigators approached the police commissioner as part of an ongoing probe, into the importation of two sniper rifles for the strategic services agency.
Investigators are said, to have talked with the commissioner after her lawyer was contacted just before noon yesterday.
The detention took place on day number 32 of the state of emergency, which was imposed on December 30th last year.
Investigators assigned to the office of the deputy commissioner of police intelligence and investigations, under DCP Suzette Martin, spent hours interviewing the commissioner at the police administration building, Port of Spain.
It is said, the interview began at 3:40 pm, and lasted for several hours into last night.
Mrs. Harewood-Christopher was questioned in the company of her lawyer.
The commissioner remained detained within the police administration building last night.
The commissioner was questioned in the high-profile investigation that has been ongoing for ten months, and 24 hours after former SSA Director Major Roger Best, was detained at his home in Arima after a warrant was executed there.
While the questioning of commissioner Erla Harewood Christopher may have come as a surprise to many, opposition leader Kamla Persad Bissessar is not one of them.
Yesterday, she recalled her statements made on a platform of her united national congress recently.
She also questioned the involvement of those she called, senior police officials.
At the time she vowed to write to the director of public prosecutions about the provision, because she believed it was intended to protect some people.
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