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Attorney General and Opposition MP Saddam Hosein square off over legal fees for Vincent Nelson QC

Opposition MP Saddam Hussein

Controversy continues to circle a purported Indemnity Agreement between Attorney General Faris Al-Rawi and Queen’s Counsel Vincent Nelson.

Opposition MP Saddam Hussein raised the issue again in the Parliament.

The Barataria/San Juan MP asked Mr. Al-Rawi if monies would be paid to Mr. Nelson from the budgetary funds allocated to the office of the Attorney General.

Mr. Al-Rawi did not answer the question directly.

However he accused the Opposition of engaging in pre-trial publicity in a bid to have former Attorney General Anand Ramlogan walk free from criminal proceedings against him in the courts.

Mr. Hussien again called on the Attorney General to answer.

The tiff took place yesterday during the Parliament’s Standing Finance Committee, which considered the allocation of $336.7 million to the office of the Attorney General and Ministry of Legal Affairs.

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