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Confirmation that 5 people likely to be charged following multi-million drug bust

CSmiQ0yQbA.jpgIt is now confirmed that five people are likely to be charged following the multi million-dollar drug bust at an apartment in Westmoorings.


It is estimated the value of the co­caine and Mar­ijua­na is 15 million dollars.


The Special Operations Response Team of the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service yesterday conducted the midday sting operation.


The sus­pects, two women and three men, were arrest­ed af­ter the S.O.R.T officers stormed apart­ment 1 at the Re­gent Gar­dens com­plex.


Police launched a manhunt for a fifth suspect, who was at the time attempting to flee the area.


He has since been arrested and is in custody.


One re­volver and a quantity of ammunition were al­so reportedly seized dur­ing the op­er­a­tion.


Police Commissioner Gary Griffith led the action yesterday.


The sus­pects have been moved from the Four Roads Police Station.


Meanwhile the po­lice ser­vice is also seeking to dispel a rumour that one of the women ar­rest­ed in the drug bust had in­deed been work­ing along­side the po­lice in the op­er­a­tion.


Yes­ter­day’s bust came just eight days af­ter an­oth­er sig­nif­i­cant bust in Val­sayn where 600 kilo­s of mar­i­jua­na were found.


Also last month a cache of drugs and guns was al­so seized at a home at Munroe Road, Ch­agua­nas.

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