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President of JTUM uses n-word to describe editors at newspapers in the country

President of the Joint Trade Union Movement Ancel Roget

The President of the Joint Trade Union Movement Ancel Roget uses the n-word to describe some editors at newspapers in the country.

Mr. Roget was being critical of the way the media have treated issues in the trade union movement, when he used the term, twice.

JTUM called a news conference yesterday to demand the government settles some outstanding negotiations before next Monday’s General Election.

Mr. Roget insisted the labour movement has not been showing bias in the way it has handled matters under the current Peoples National Movement administration.

According to Mr. Roget, United National Congress supporters are similar to their counterparts in the PNM, when it comes to hearing the concerns of labour.

Several trade union representatives under the umbrella of JTUM presented a list of issues, which remain unresolved in the labour movement.

The Media Association’s President, Dr. Sheila Rampersad said it is an example of infantile leadership to attack a free press, which has represented the voice of workers over the many years.

Dr. Rampersad says this is silly season not open season on journalists.

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