Political Leader of the Peoples National Movement Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley describes as a fantasy and a lie claims that he had talks with Fuad Abu Bakr about becoming a candidate in the General Election.
In today’s Express newspaper, Dr. Rowley is quoted as saying Mr. Abu Bakr’s claims are a grime fairytale.
However the Prime Minister said he met with leader of the Jamaat al Muslimeen and father of Fuad Abu Bakr, Yasin Abu Bakr.
He said he met with Imam Abu Bakr as a constituency representative and there was no talk about Fuad Abu Bakr or his political ambitions.
Fuad Abu Bakr said last weekend, the PNM leader agreed to make room for him to be screened for the Port of Spain South Constituency in the coming General Election.
He claimed Rural Development and Local Governmnent Minister, Kazim Hosein was also enlisted to help him through the process of screening.
Mr. Hosein has denied this.
The Local Government Minister is reported as saying he never promised Fuad Abu Bakr anything.
He says while he spoke with Mr. Abu Bakr, it was about the process in the PNM and there was no promise of a seat.
Mr. Hosein is quoted as saying when Mr. Abu Bakr called him last week he spoke with him about procedures in the party.
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