Farmers are told of a tax-free and more incentivised agricultural sector in the new fiscal year but they are not convinced.
President of the Farmers Union Shiraz Khan says the government has nice words but it is only a “mamaguy”.
Speaking at the AMCHAM post budget forum yesterday Trade Minister Paula Gopee Scoon said there are plans to expand on education and biotechnology in the industry.
Noting also that farmers will not suffer the burden of paying taxes on items.
However Mr. Khan told Newscenter 5 its all smoke and mirrors.
The Minister also spoke about the Agri Processing Farm in Moruga, boasting that 2 tenants are already operating at the site.
However yesterday the union president said accessing the processing plant is not as easy at it sounds.
Mr. Khan also questioned the government’s announcement of increased penalties for theft. According to him the Praedial Larceny Squad is still under staffed, ill equipped and under resourced.
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