The Domestic Violence Amendment Bill has been passed unanimously in the Upper House.
All 29 Senators present, including the Opposition and the Independents voted in favour of the Bill.
Debate on the Bill went on for several hours yesterday.
At 10:30pm it was passed.
The Bill goes to the House of Representatives tomorrow.
Earlier in the debate last evening, Independent Senator Hazel Thompson Ayee proposed an amendment to the legislation, which would cover same sex relationships.
At the committee stage of the debate, she implied that Attorney General Faris al Rawi appeared reluctant to touch what is a human rights issue.
Mr. al Rawi said there are other laws, which cover that section of the society.
He denied that he was reluctant to deal with the matter.
Mr. al Rawi sought to set the record straight, he is not afraid of controversial law or legislation.
Senator Thompson Ayee sought further clarification but the President of the Senate stopped her.
And Independent Senator Paul Richards revealed as well that he and his mother survived domestic violence.
In welcoming the Domestic Violence Amendment Bill, Senator Richards explained his childhood in a house where there was violence.
He said his father was the abuser and his mother paid the price.
The Senator said shame and stigmatisation cannot and should not be fed.
Senator Richards called on people in and out of the parliament to speak out.
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