Concerns from Trinidad and Tobago’s Chief Justice Ivor Archie about the criminal justice system, which he says could collapse if some fixing is not done.
Justice Archie insisted the Judiciary cannot be blamed for what is happening.
While the new law term began some weeks ago, Chief Justice Archie yesterday delivered his address, without the usual pomp and ceremony.
He said while the judicial arm of the State has been effectively carrying out its role and function in clearing the backlog of cases, other issues are causing challenges.
The Chief Justice suggested that the office of the Director of Public Prosecutions has proved to be difficult in performing its duties.
Meanwhile the Chief Justice hails government’s decision to stop all in person hearings in an effort to stem the spread of COVID-19.
Justice Ivor Archie yesterday over 15,000 virtual hearings have been held for persons in custody.
Justice Archie said many new measures have been introduced due to the current COVID-19 pandemic.
He reminded all that the Judiciary is not many things and its focus must not be lost.
He also said efforts have been made to make electronic payment methods an option to avoid in person activities.
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