The COVID-19 pandemic and the terms of the landlord of Price Plaza, Chaguanas are being blamed for the decision to permanently close Movietowne.
The entertainment hub in central Trinidad has been in operation for over 10 years.
In a statement to the media yesterday, Movietowne’s owner Derek Chin said the COVID-19 pandemic along with Movietowne’s landlord make it economically difficult to stay afloat.
According to Mr. Chin, the government’s restrictions to curb the spread of COVID-19 also contributed to the decision.
He said the extended shutdown and the continued uncertainty have killed the business.
Mr. Chin said the decision was taken in the interest of keeping Movietowne’s overall business in survival mode.
The Chaguanas Movietowne is located in Price Plaza.
The other operations are in Port of Spain, C3 Center in San Fernando, Lowlands, Tobago, and Georgetown, Guyana.
Mr. Chin said in the statement that Movietowne’s other Trinidad and Tobago locations would reopen when the restrictions are relaxed.
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