Primary school principals should have the results of the Secondary Entrance Assessment 2020 tomorrow.
In a release the Ministry of Education says the procedure for collection will follow health and safety protocols outlined by the Ministry of Health in light of the coronavirus pandemic.
It says results will be disseminated from the Ministry’s office on St. Vincent Street, Port of Spain to the respective district offices on the morning of October 8th.
It says as is standard procedure, principals will collect the results at district offices for distribution at their respective schools from 8am.
The Ministry in its release says principals will arrange specific periods of time for collection of results from 10a.m. tomorrow.
The Ministry asks parents/guardians where possible, to adhere to the schedule given by principals.
It says congregating in groups on or outside the school compound will not be allowed.
The Ministry says only one parent/guardian will be permitted onto the school compound with the child to collect results and leave immediately.
It says the opening of results or discussion of results on the school compound is not permitted.
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